
ABC Considers Adding Late-Night Comedy Series to Summer Schedule

ABC plans to introduce a new late-night comedy series in the time slot after “Nightline” in July, a network executive said Monday.

Michael Brockman, president of ABC Daytime, Children’s and Late-Night Entertainment, told reporters there are three shows under consideration for the midnight slot, and that the network will be picking one in the next three to four weeks.

The candidates are:

“Into the Night,” hosted by Los Angeles deejay Rick Dees;

“Marder at Midnight,” hosted by comedian Jeff Marder;

“Night Life,” hosted by comedian Jeff McGregor.

All are geared at a young audience similar to that attracted by the syndicated “Arsenio Hall Show.”


ABC considered programming another public-affairs show after “Nightline,” Brockman said, but research indicated that a comedy program was much more likely to be successful.
