
Threat of Foreign Investment

Arco Solar Corp., the largest manufacturer of solar electricity in the world, has just been purchased by Siemens Corp., a West German company.

Arco Solar maintains a branch in Camarillo which employs 400 people.

This is just one more on a growing list of businesses being acquired by companies outside the United States.

British, West German and Canadian companies have all recognized the advantage of owning property in the United States, and they are investing heavily here. According to a recent TV report, approximately 50% of all high-rise buildings in Los Angeles are now owned by Japanese interests.


Considering the staggering cost and scarcity of land in Japan, one can hardly blame the Japanese for seizing the opportunity to invest in valuable land at bargain prices; but when will Americans wake up to the fact that we are being bought out building by building and inch by inch?

One public official who spoke out against the recent Camarillo sale was Congressman Elton Gallegly. Where were all the others?

Have we, in this country, become so apathetic that we will sit by, without protest, while our country is gobbled up by outside interests?



