
Israeli Police Storm Peace March Staged by Women

From Associated Press

Police fired tear gas, pulled demonstrators by their hair and struck them with night sticks to break up a peace march in Jerusalem today by more than 3,000 Israeli, Palestinian and European women.

The hourlong procession from Jewish west Jerusalem to Arab east Jerusalem was without incident until the end when an outlawed Palestinian flag was raised and police moved in to disperse the marchers.

Police said 16 people were detained, and reporters saw police drag several women away by their hair or clothes. Some were struck with night sticks, and several were kicked.


About two dozen Israeli men and women heckled the peace demonstrators, but others showed support by distributing flowers, candy and cakes.

An Israeli participant in the march, school Principal Alice Shalvi, said she hoped that the demonstration will influence politicians.

“It reassures us that there is someone to talk to,” she said. “The fact that there are Jewish women and Arab women here proves the point that it can be done.”


The marchers sang “We Shall Overcome” and shouted peace slogans en route to their destination, the Hakawati Theater.

As the first of the marchers reached the theater’s courtyard, someone raised a Palestinian flag, and police moved in to remove it.

Police spokesman Uzi Sandori said the police met with resistance and used tear gas and batons to disperse the crowd. He said no one was seriously injured.


Women screamed and fought with police officers as some of their group was detained and dragged off to a police van.

Dacia Valent, an Italian who is a member of the European Parliament, was taken into custody when she argued with police against making arrests.
