
Outdoors : Stripers Biting at Pyramid

Those fortunate enough to fish Pyramid Lake when the wind isn’t blowing are finding the striped bass hungry for trout--and trout-colored lures are doing the trick at the Los Angeles County reservoir.

Less Riley of Sun Valley decked a 28-pound striper with one, and Tim Wilson of North Hollywood landed a 22-pounder.

LAKE MEAD--Cold and windy conditions, with striped bass biting in Box Car Cove between Vegas Wash and Black Island. Trout-colored Bomber lures, frozen anchovies, live minnows and shad all working.


BULLHEAD CITY--Winds blowing, but trout biting on most baits and small lures from dam to river bend. Striped bass from three to 15 pounds biting on various lures to 30 feet in Lake Mohave.

SALTON SEA--Orangemouth corvina fair at Salt Creek, with trollers using Thin Fin and Lunker lures catching fish to eight pounds. Jetty fishermen catching fair numbers of sargo. Croaker and tilapia slow.

LAKE CACHUMA--Trout biting primarily near dam and launch ramp--especially after weekly plant. Most baits working. Catfish most plentiful in shallows of coves. Mackerel best bet. Largemouth bass slow, best on surface in early morning.


LAKE CASITAS--Largemouth bass fishing slowly improving, averaging two to three pounds, biting throughout lake at 20 feet on brown and purple plastic worms. Catfish biting at 80 to 90 feet, primarily at Dead Horse Canyon and northwest side of main island. Trout fair, trollers using seven colors and needlefish near dam for 1 1/2- to 2-pound fish. Bait fishermen using cheese or night crawlers averaging two or three fish.

PYRAMID LAKE--Striped bass biting consistently on trout-colored lures and anchovies, primarily in marina. Ed Tajak, Culver City, 14-pound striper and five trout. Vern Martin, Long Beach, 13-pound striper. Mike Matios, Culver City, 11 1/2-pound striper. Largemouth bass biting mainly in Brazos and Lost Mine coves. Nightcrawlers best bet. Catfish most active in marina, Priest and Glory Hole coves. Crappie and bluegill slow.

LAKE PIRU--Trout the best bet, biting at 30 to 40 feet toward dam on east side. Largemouth bass picking up, biting on jigs and plastic worms at 30 feet in center of lake. Catfish averaging four pounds biting mainly at dam on mackerel.


LAKE CASTAIC--Trout biting primarily in upper lake, averaging 1 1/2 to 2 pounds. Mike Farran, Tujunga, 2 1/2-pound trout, caught in lower lake. Largemouth bass active in upper lake. Artificials best bet. Gary Boudor, Glendora, 11 3/4- and 6-pound bass, caught from boat. Ken Conrad, Anaheim, three bass, 19 pounds, all caught on mudsuckers.

IRVINE LAKE--Best for trout along west shore and in Sierra Cove. Jim Cushing, Fullerton, 11 1/2- and 6 1/2-pound trout. Paul Mintzer, Anaheim, 7 1/2-pound trout. James Hyscop, Baldwin Park, 7-pound trout. Bill Barrett, Anaheim, 8 1/2-pound sturgeon. Catfish biting off Rocky Point. Crappie fair along west shore.

PERRIS LAKE--Bluegill very active, biting near inlet and weedy areas on crickets and meal worms. Largemouth bass deep, fishing slow. Trout slow to good, depending on plants. Catfish slow.

LAKE SKINNER--Catfish biting at dam on mackerel. Trout slowly picking up, biting mainly near dam on Power Bait. Crappie and bass slow. South shore best bet.

BIG BEAR--Crowds small but limits the rule for bait fishermen at dam, north side of Gray’s Landing, and Windy and Juniper points. Trollers doing well throughout lake. Most baits and lures working.

LAKE SILVERWOOD--Striped bass slow. Catfish active on bottom throughout lake. Angelo Perondi, Norwalk, 16-pound catfish. Largemouth bass most active in Cleghorn Canyon and channel. Jigging near rocky areas best bet. Crappie biting primarily in marina.
