
Stock Market

In response to Ben Wattenberg’s admonition to “Be Wily but Buy, for the Market Is America and Its Future Is Golden” (Op-Ed Page, Oct. 17):

I think he left out some important indicators which might improve one’s chances in our great American stock market.

First of all, don’t be in a stock-intensive situation just before any Friday the 13th, or probably Halloween, for that matter. Market players and their computers seem to be a bit on the superstitious side (or maybe they know something that we don’t). Also, avoid vulnerability around anniversaries of previous crashes, “black” days, etc. Anyone with half a brain knows that lightning always strikes twice (or more).


Next, be aware of the health of people important to the market cycles and strengths, i.e., President Bush’s finger surgery. The implications are staggering!

Finally, and perhaps most crucial, don’t ignore the phase of the moon. In case no one noticed, this recent black Friday (Oct. 13) was very close to a full moon. Has anyone considered how many trusted stockbrokers, LBO operators and junk-bond dealers might be werewolves? Frightening.

Other than that, go for the gold--except maybe on Arbor Day.


Los Angeles
