
Massive Earthquake Jolts Bay Area

In the aftermath of the devastating Bay Area earthquake a miracle is born. The public and, of all people, Gov. George Deukmejian and President George Bush have discovered the homeless and are rushing to distribute food, clothes and money. However, providing aid depends on where the “fault” lies so this excludes those made shelterless before the quake.

Both Georges and most Americans have ignored the plight of the thousands of people made homeless in the Bay Area and elsewhere long before the temblor. “It’s their own fault,” some say. Yet those without shelter now are to be viewed more compassionately because their condition was due to a different fault, the San Andreas.

This observation should not be construed as being insensitive. Yet, doesn’t a transient family on Market Street deserve the same compassion and consideration as one made homeless in the Marina district? Both situations were brought about by circumstances beyond their control. The former due to an unnatural disaster: the action (or inaction) of the Reagan/Bush administrations and HUD. The latter due to a natural disaster.


Having worked as a teacher for the homeless in Los Angeles this year I don’t see a difference when people are shelterless. Either way, the victims are powerless and dependent, regardless of whose fault it is.


Los Angeles
