
Support for Fathers

Re: your article on Dennis Cohen (“Counsel for Collections,” by Kathleen Doheny, Aug. 7): I was on a radio show one-on-one with Mr. Cohen and so I am familiar with his--shall we call it “style”?

I, as president and founder of Fathers of America, would like to make a few comments.

Cohen says, “It’s nice to wear a white hat.” Absolutely--when it’s lined with money. Money taken out of the mouths of babes. He takes one-third of the amount collected. For your information, the law specifically states that in cases involving child support, the legal fees are collectible from the father.

Why doesn’t “Robin Hood” collect his money there instead of taking it from the children he purports to be so sympathetic to? Because the judge will not give him one-third of the take. The judge sets the fees, and they are fair--but never one-third.


The fact that fathers with money do not pay child support tells you one thing: They don’t pay because they resent (are hurting) from the fact that the state has taken their children from them. You want the money? Return the children to their fathers--in joint custody. They will resume support. If they don’t, I’ll help throw them in jail. Don’t take their children from them, say this is not the issue and then talk about nothing but money. That is crass.

Any state that separates fathers and children--a detriment to both--and then claptraps about money is a stupid, arrogant, dictatorial state not too different from Hitler’s.


Santa Monica
