
Disregard Hate Mail

Dan Larsen’s letter (Aug. 6) claimed that he voted against naming the convention center in honor of Martin Luther King because the “vast majority” of San Diegans had informed him by letters “that they did not want their convention center named after anyone.”

I recently spent two days at the Port Commission reviewing the letters received on this issue and was shocked by the content of the letters from the opposition. It is appalling to think that Commissioner Larsen believes that these disgusting letters represent the majority of San Diegans.

At least 30% of the letters from the opposition were filled with blatant racist hatred and fear, referring to African-Americans as “parasites” or “criminal savages” or “terrorists,” among other things. Another 50% of the letters had thinly veiled racist overtones. Only 20% of the letters managed to stick to the issue.


This hate mail does not represent the “vast majority” of San Diegans. Hate mail of this kind should never be counted as legitimate opposition. It is alarming that some of our leaders recognize a vocal, vicious fringe group as a legitimate force and assume that they speak for the “vast majority.”

San Diego’s leaders, appointed and elected, need to take a strong stand against racism instead of pretending that it doesn’t exist. If these racist letters had not been counted, the vast majority of letters would have been from those who wrote to name the convention center in honor of Dr. King.


La Jolla
