
Monterey Park : MWD Faces Threat of Suit

Responding to complaints of residents near the Garvey Reservoir, the City Council has threatened to sue the Metropolitan Water District if it continues with plans for a new $3 million to $4 million maintenance facility.

After discussing the issue during a closed session Monday, the council authorized the city manager to pursue legal action against the district.

“We’re going to make every effort to get them to revise their plans,” City Manager Mark Lewis said. “If we’re unable to get some agreement, I imagine we’re going to be in court.” Lewis said a meeting with the district’s assistant general manager, Richard Balcerzak, is scheduled for Friday.


The district wants to build a 26,100-square-foot facility to house maintenance and repair shops at the reservoir along Orange Avenue where 50 to 75 employees would work. This would replace operations now housed on Soto Street in Los Angeles.

Resident Phyllis Rabins complained that the facility would generate additional traffic and noise in the residential neighborhood by the reservoir and the adjacent Garvey Ranch Park. The water district owns the reservoir and part of the park.

“Metropolitan believes they are above the law,” Rabins said. “We’re just not going to let them ramrod this through. This is David and Goliath fighting.”


Mayor Pro Tem Judy Chu, whose house is near the reservoir, said the proposed facility was “totally inappropriate” for the neighborhood.

Balcerzak, however, said the MWD doesn’t “feel the maintenance facility would have a significant impact on the area. It’s my desire to have a meeting of the minds so we can go ahead with the project.”
