
U.S. Response to Mideast Terrorism

I read, with complete distaste, Tom Clancy’s column on terrorism (“Cowardly Impotence Reigns,” Op-Ed Page, Aug. 2). I must say that his opinion is as reptilian as his redneck novels. His shoot-em-up Teddy Roosevelt mentality totally ignores the reasoning that leads to these atrocities.

These terrorists, depending on your viewpoint, reacted to an act of kidnap. Surely the Israelis, super strategists that they are, knew something like this was likely. Clancy implies that our reaction should be similar to the KGB, who mutilated a man to get Soviet citizens returned. He also implies that we should hire mercenaries to solve the problem of terrorism.

Pooh on you, Clancy. Continue to write your tasteless novels. Sit back and enjoy your success. There are people out there dying for a homeland. The solution is in negotiation, not mindless revenge.



