
An Insulting Review

Your front page article “Directors Guild Design Marches to Its Own Drum” by Leon Whiteson (July 9) is a critical slander of the building designed by Rochelin, Baran & Balbona, Architects.

This insulting review by an admitted reactionary who admires “Norman-style” reproductions, degrades not only the architects, which is its main thrust, but also the many creative individuals who participated in such an endeavor from inception.

What you should encourage is more such individual expressions in the miles between this superior architectural statement and the Research Tower at Children’s Hospital at Vermont & Sunset, also by RBB.


Has anyone from your “sore thumb” staff viewed the rose reflective glass from the west at dusk? It is lovely.

What you really need to do is give the lance to your free lance. We need more good architecture and no bad critics.


Pacific Palisades

Merchant is an architect with Rochelin, Baran & Balbona.
