
County’s Proposed Sales Tax Increase

It is the worst of times and definitely not the best of times. With California’s unemployment and inflation on the perpetual upward, it is unjustifiable for the public to bear the burden of a transit tax.

In solving its dilemma, the Orange County Transportation Commission has proposed a half-cent sales tax increase to help finance its $11-billion projects. Orange Countians will not be enchanted with the idea and again will voice their outrage at the polls Nov. 7 just as they defeated 1984 Measure A. It is extremely critical that federal transportation dollars be invested in building light-rail systems that offer convenient transportation alternatives to the auto. The frightening fact is that Los Angeles is one of the most severely polluted cities in the United States--a problem related to total auto use, created after it ripped up its regional transit system in the late ‘40s.

The most important point is that we must not continue to invest in highways to promote growth of vehicle miles traveled. We must find a lasting solution to reduce the high level of carbon combustion in the transportation sector. Commuters who travel the Southland’s congested roadways are exposed to toxins in their cars, thus the risk of cancer is much greater. The public’s self-interest lies in safeguarding the urban environment, creating a healthy place to live for many future generations.



Newport Beach
