
Carts Too Easy to Cart Off

Regarding S.J. Diamond’s June 30 column, “Stolen Carts Push Cost of Groceries Up”:

It seems to me that much of the shopping cart dilemma would be solved quite easily by a redesign of the carts, because the design is the source of the problem.

The carts are much too convenient to use; they can be easily maneuvered on streets and sidewalks. They fit through any doorway because they are narrow enough. They are just much too convenient to use and to keep at home. People use them in laundry rooms, workrooms, darkrooms, you name it!

I have noticed that in stores that have the large, wide carts with the clumsy fold-over top section, there is no problem with losing carts. These carts are unattractive to pilferers.


When shoppers find store carts much too difficult to handle they will buy their own carts. Many customers already do just that.

In many areas, shopping carts are major nuisances and a hazard to traffic. They are all over the place! And, of course, children easily jump into carts, stand on the rear support, and push each other here and there, quite often at great risk to themselves and all other people.


