
Violence at Navajo Reservation Leaves Two Dead, Nine Injured

From Associated Press

Each side blamed the other Friday for a clash between hundreds of supporters of suspended Navajo Chairman Peter MacDonald and tribal police officers that left two people dead and nine injured.

Police “randomly opened fire on Navajo civilians” during a protest late Thursday at the tribal government complex, MacDonald said in a statement. He said he was “shocked, appalled and angered” at the police actions.

Police and tribal officials said officers opened fire in self-defense after being attacked by the crowd, which numbered more than 300. MacDonald incited supporters and was indirectly responsible, tribal spokesman Duane Beyal said.


MacDonald was placed on administrative leave by the governing council of the nation’s largest Indian tribe after allegations at U.S. Senate hearings in January that he accepted bribes and kickbacks. He has denied any wrongdoing, and followers believe he was deposed illegally, although tribal courts have upheld the move.

There were no further signs of unrest Friday, although about 50 people were camped just across the New Mexico line. Large stones and shards of glass littered the road running through the tribal government complex.

Witnesses said the demonstration got out of hand when the crowd attacked Navajo police Lt. Daniel Hawkins, who led a May 24 sweep of the tribe’s administration building during which MacDonald appointees and supporters were evicted from offices they had refused to leave.


“They took his Mace, his revolver, handcuffed him, kicked him a few times and left him on the ground,” Beyal said. The tribal spokesman said the crowd then went after a second officer, taking his revolver and beating and handcuffing him.

An “elderly gentleman” took Hawkins’ gun and shot Sgt. Daniel Lee in the thigh, Beyal said. According to varying accounts, Lee or other officers then shot the man, identified by MacDonald as James Dickson, 57, and by others as Jimmy Dixon.

MacDonald said the other man killed was Arnold Lee Begay, 27. Begay was shot by an unidentified officer who saw him about to hit another officer from behind with a club, Beyal said.
