
Countywide : Advocate for Homeless Seeks Support for March

Mitch Snyder, a nationally known advocate for the homeless, will meet with local housing groups and organizations aiding the homeless this evening to rally support for a march on Washington scheduled for Oct. 7.

Organizers hope to gather hundreds of thousands of demonstrators from around the country to urge Congress and the Bush Administration to create more affordable housing.

Snyder gained attention in 1984, when he fasted for 51 days to arouse support for a project for the homeless in the nation’s capital. He was the subject of a 1986 made-for-television movie and has remained a controversial figure in the homeless field.


Tonight’s meeting, sponsored by the Orange County Homeless Issues Task Force, will be held at the Santa Ana YWCA, 1411 N. Broadway St., at 7. The public is invited.

For more information, contact task force chairman Scott Mather at (714) 740-1157.
