
Westchester Joins Waste Recycling Program

The city of Los Angeles’ expanded recycling program got under way last week in Westchester with Councilwoman Ruth Galanter issuing a challenge to the rest of the city to match her constituents “can for can, bottle for bottle and newspaper for newspaper.”

Bright yellow containers have been left at each of the 5,300 homes in the area bordered by Lincoln Boulevard, Manchester Avenue, La Tijera Boulevard, the San Diego Freeway, Centinela Boulevard and the Westchester Bluffs above Hughes Airport.

Residents are asked to separate glass, plastic and aluminum from other trash and put the recyclable items into the cans. Bundled newspapers should be placed on top of the containers. A white and blue recycling truck will pick up the separated, recyclable items on the regular trash collection day.


The recycling program is designed to extend the life of city landfills, which are expected to reach capacity in three to five years.
