
After the not-unexpected cancellation of “Moonlighting” and...

After the not-unexpected cancellation of “Moonlighting” and NBC’s cancellation of “The Jim Henson Hour,” I have two more reasons to ignore broadcast television altogether. The networks once again have axed shows that employed snappy writing or a modicum of imagination. What’s left? Banal situation comedies, prime-time soap operas and formulaic “dramatic” series--no wonder network Nielsen shares have dwindled. Next year’s announced lineup shows no relief in sight. What happened to the daring NBC programmers who gave “Hill Street Blues” that extra chance?

Cable television is much the same, lacking only the entertaining advertisements that commercial television occasionally runs. Renting films I really want to view is less costly than cable, however, and I can do so at my convenience. These films haven’t been “edited for television” and don’t pause for “this important announcement.” See you at the video store.

Karl Geiger, Pasadena
