
A Piglet Tale Recalled

“This Little Piggy Can Come to Your House” by David Larsen (June 1) brought back memories of more than half a century.

We had just finished building a house--much with our own hands. It was north of Foothill in Arcadia and we had two daughters, two horses, two dogs and two cats.

My littlest daughter became very ill. Then one day a farmer friend brought her a tiny runt piglet. It was like a miracle--she was soon out and teaching it tricks.


“Rusty”--his coat was a rusty brown--was soon housebroken, slept on her bed and was as clean as could be and very quick to learn. He even met the school bus every day.

Rusty grew slowly at first, but finally developed into a 500-pound porker and we had to get rid of him.


