
Word Taboos

The contention that “four-letter words” in movies is detrimental to society is ludicrous. Screenwriters and others have an artistic right to use vulgarity if, and only if, it accurately reflects our society. That is exactly what these films are, Betty Almquist--a reflection. If you moved outside the friendly confines of Jerry Lewis humor or the sterility of “The Donna Reed Show” you would notice this.

As for the teen-agers you saw rejoicing in the use of these obscenities, that was not caused by the movies makers but rather by people like yourself who insist on keeping these words taboo. If we did not teach our children that these words are “evil,” then they would not derive such clandestine pleasure from using them or hearing them used by others.

As for “foul language” triggering the “downfall of morals and ethics over the years,” I know of no evidence suggesting that hearing the “f-word” has caused even one person to become a hardened criminal.



