
Alar Content of Apples

On April 20 an article by Maura Dolan, Times environmental writer, headlined “Alar Found in Apples at Four Upscale Markets,” appeared in the Metro Section. The article highlights that apples purchased at Mrs. Gooch’s purportedly were found in independent tests to contain Alar, a potentially hazardous chemical.

Mrs. Gooch’s was informed of the Times article before it went to print. Upon receiving that information, Mrs. Gooch’s, among other things, determined to send the same apples out to two different laboratories for testing.

The Lederman Group, acting on behalf of Mrs. Gooch’s, hired Anresco, Inc. (the same lab used by The Times) to test the apples from the same supplier and lot number tested by The Times.


However, the Alar analysis on the four samples of apples provided to the Lederman Group from Anresco showed a radically different result than those reported by The Times. A chart comparing the Anresco results for The Times and the Anresco results for Mrs. Gooch’s, both using the same method of analysis, PAM II, is set forth below.

Alar Content as Alar Content as Reported by Los Reported to Angeles Times Mrs. Gooch’s Red Delicious Not tested None (small) detected Red Delicious 2.62 ppm None (large) detected Red Delicious 1.48 ppm None (large) detected Rome 9.48 ppm 3.13 ppm Beauty

The Alar analysis performed by the second laboratory confirmed the results of the Anresco tests prepared for Mrs. Gooch’s.


Based on information we have received from experts in the field of Alar testing, we are at a loss to understand how The Times could have reported that Rome Beauty apples sold by Mrs. Gooch’s had an Alar content in excess of 9 ppm. Samples which assay to 9 ppm are extremely unusual. A sample that high should have caused Anresco to recheck it.

We have always been dedicated to providing our customers with the finest, most natural, wholesome, foods available. This commitment to excellence includes independent laboratory analyses of many of our products. We appreciate constructive criticism, but only when all the information is accurate and reflects the truth.


Chief Executive Officer

Mrs. Gooch’s

Sherman Oaks

Editor’s note: The apples tested by The Times were taken from store bins and were not identified by supplier or lot number.
