
Trump Files Suit Over Name: Billionaire Donald...

Trump Files Suit Over Name: Billionaire Donald J. Trump sued in federal court to ensure that when you hear the words “Trump Shuttle,” you think airline--not moving company. Trump, who bought strikebound Eastern Airlines’ shuttle service and plans to relaunch it as the “Trump Shuttle,” won a court order temporarily barring a Washington-based company from using the same name. U.S. District Judge Shirley Wohl Kram issued a temporary restraining order barring International Trading & Finance Corp. and its owner, Michael Fracassi, from using the disputed name until at least later this month, when another hearing is scheduled in Manhattan. Trump agreed to purchase Eastern’s Washington to New York to Boston air shuttle in October, 1988, and incorporated under the name Trump Shuttle Inc. a month later in New York. Meanwhile, ITFC registered the Trump Shuttle mark in New York in April and filed for rights to the name with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
