
Akron Football Assistant Hits Jackpot to Win $15 Million in Ohio Lottery

Associated Press

Mike Woodford, an assistant on football Coach Gerry Faust’s staff at the University of Akron, won the $15-million jackpot from Saturday’s “Super Lotto” game in Ohio.

Woodford, 29, will share the money with his wife, mother and mother-in-law, a lottery spokeswoman said Monday.

Woodford intends to continue working at Akron, where he coaches the defensive secondary.

“I talked to him for about 15 minutes today, and he’s not going to change anything,” said Chris Bame, an Akron spokesman.


Woodford has been secondary coach at Akron since 1986. He played at Arizona and has served as an assistant there and at Middle Tennessee State, Arkansas, Kansas and Rhodes College.

Woodford told lottery officials he would keep 40% of the prize and give 40% to his wife, Camille, 23. They are in the process of getting divorced. His mother and mother-in-law will each receive 10% shares.
