
Codercard Inc. Signs Contract to Sell Products to Australian Government : SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY

Compiled by David Olmos, Times staff writer

Codercard Inc., a small Santa Ana company that makes computer security devices, has signed a contract valued at about $750,000 to supply its products to the Australian government.

Codercard said it received an export license from the State Department to supply the products to Telecom Australia, the Australian national telephone company. The order was placed through Codercard’s Australian distributor.

Australia plans to use the Codercard product to verify the authentication of telephone messages, according to Codercard President Willis Marsing.


Marsing said the Australian deal is important for Codercard because it “opens the door to the rest of the (Australian) government market.”

In July, 1988, Codercard received a $4.8-million order to supply its products to Australian financial services companies.

Codercard makes electronic cards and machines that “read” them. The security systems are designed to prevent unauthorized access to computer files.
