
Newport Beach : Fire Damages Photo Lab at Corona del Mar High

A fire of suspicious origin caused about $50,000 damage to a photography laboratory at Corona del Mar High School early Sunday, the Newport Beach Fire Department reported.

Firefighters went to the school at 2101 Eastbluff Drive shortly after 2 a.m. Sunday and found three small fires, one at the school, another in a car parked in a lot across the street, and the third behind a nearby church.

The car sustained $2,700 damage, but the church was not seriously damaged by the small fire there, which originated in a paper-storage area, fire officials said.


The fires, which fire officials said appeared to have been set, were classified as “suspicious” and remain under investigation.

Seventeen firefighters answered the early-morning call, Battalion Chief Scott Allen said. It took firefighters nearly 3 hours to put out the blazes and mop up.
