
KINGDOM COME “In Your Face.” PolyGram **: <i> Albums are rated on a scale of one star (poor) to five stars (a classic).</i>

Wow, Kingdom Come’s second album almost doesn’t sound like Led Zeppelin! If the band starts to Zep out, singer Lenny Wolf tones down the Robert Plant stylings. If Wolf gets a little Plant-ish, then the music pulls back on the Zep vibe. In places, the group even sounds more like AC/DC! Seriously, though, this record does take a step up from the quintet’s debut, which sold a ton but brought the band ridicule for being a total Zep clone. On a couple of songs here--”Perfect ‘O’ ” and the hypnotic “Gotta Go”--Kingdom Come shows that it’s starting to learn how to blend its own heavy-handed personality with its influences.
