
Local : Riverside Construction Worker Wins $21.3 Million in Lottery

<i> From Times wire services</i>

A Riverside construction worker was the winner of $21.3 million in California’s latest “Lotto 6/49” game, lottery officials said today.

But there were thousands of disappointed people who thought they won big or small prizes--when a set of wrong numbers was broadcast by a Los Angeles television station Wednesday night.

The construction worker, Layne Landry, is the second-largest prize winner in the history of the Lotto game. There were $25.7 million payouts to a pair of winners when a $51.4-million jackpot was split June 4.


Landry, who is married with four children, had purchased his ticket at a Fast-Trip convenience store in Riverside.

While televising a Los Angeles Dodgers baseball game against the Mets in New York, KTTV Channel 11 in Los Angeles superimposed six numbers and a bonus number over the game telecast. Lotto officials said they were told that there was a technical mix-up and numbers that had been chosen in the April 12 drawing were shown by mistake.

As soon as it realized its mistake, the station went on the air with the correct numbers.
