
Quayle’s Chief of Staff Is Being Replaced

From the Washington Post

Vice President Dan Quayle announced Monday that his chief of staff of less than four months, Robert Guttman, will be replaced in June by William Kristol, 36, an outspoken neo-conservative who once described his role in government as “not to hum quietly, it’s to change the world.”

The vice president’s office said that Guttman planned to work in the private sector. Quayle praised Guttman Monday as a “close and trusted adviser” who helped “get our operation off the ground.”

Other Republican sources said that Guttman, who has spent his career in senior staff jobs in Congress, was out of his depth running the vice presidential operation and that his departure was “mutually agreed upon for weeks.”


Kristol came to Washington in 1985 at the behest of then-Education Secretary William J. Bennett. One of a cadre of young, conservative aides, Kristol helped turn the education post into a highly visible and controversial part of the government.
