
‘Horrified’ Over Destruction of Signs

It is with great sadness that I write this letter. I am horrified by the total lack of respect some people have in Glendora for the constitutional rights of fellow citizens.

The continuous destruction of “No on 1530” signs was culminated on Election Day by the destruction of most remaining “No” signs. (City ordinance No. 1530 would have raised the maximum height for two-story homes in some areas from 25 to 30 feet, and would have permitted heights of 35 feet with City Council approval.) It is regrettable that this is the standard of behavior our children have to follow. I found my rights denied by not being allowed to speak at the Rancho Glendora Mobile Home Park by the actions of a person representing the “Yes” position.

I believe that this letter is necessary so people will be aware of what took place during the recent election.


Not only were signs destroyed and individuals not permitted to speak but some members of our community decided to be judge and jury by deciding that the citizens should not read distributed material by removing it from cars.

For those individuals who attempted to circumvent our basic rights, I only have contempt. For the future, I pray for an electorate more mature and respectful of the rights of others.


Glendora councilman
