
3 Teen-Agers Hurt As Gunfire Sprays Crowd in Placentia

Three teen-agers were wounded early Saturday in Placentia when gunfire from a passing car sprayed a crowd of youths standing on a street, authorities said.

Witnesses to the shooting at 12:30 a.m. in the 900 block of Easton Street followed the car, which the occupants eventually abandoned on a dead-end street. The witnesses directed police to the car.

Officers, however, only found Louis Richard Morales, 21, of Anaheim, who was booked at Orange County Jail on suspicion of attempted murder. The others remained at large.


Wounded by bullet fragments in the 12:30 a.m. shooting was Regina Kris Torres, 18, Anaheim; a 15-year-old girl from Orange who received a minor gunshot wound to a buttock; a 16-year-old boy from Buena Park with a minor gunshot wound to the forearm, and a 16-year-old from Buena Park who injured her elbow while diving for cover.

All were treated a Placentia Linda Community Hospital and released, police said.
