
In Brief : Oakland Coliseum Strike Averted

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A tentative contract has been reached with the union representing vendors at the Oakland Coliseum, averting a strike today at the second game between the Oakland Athletics and Seattle Mariners.

The terms of the settlement reached Tuesday night between Local 28 of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union and Canteen-Volume Service were not made public, pending a ratification vote by workers later today, union spokesman Lincoln Smith said.

Coliseum food stand managers with a year’s experience currently make $9.17 an hour compared with $12.90 hourly for similar managers at Candlestick Park in San Francisco. Coliseum fry cooks get $9.73 hourly. Candlestick cooks get $9.71 to $11.37.


A threatened walkout by the 350-member union on opening night Monday was avoided when the union agreed not to strike while talks continued with Chicago-based Canteen-Volume Service.
