
Weekend Checklist for Diggers and Planters

For dedicated gardeners, here are suggestions from the California Assn. of Nurserymen:

Prune fuchsias, pelargoniums and geraniums now for fuller plants with more flowers.

Protect newly planted annuals from the onslaught of snails and slugs. Be generous and make regular applications of bait throughout the flower bed.

If the weather in your area permits, get your vegetables in as soon as possible and extend your harvest by planting at two- to three-week intervals.

Consider planting tuberous begonias soon. Their large, colorful flowers will dazzle you this summer.


Keep a lookout for aphids on your roses and keep them in check.

Prune wisteria heavily after it finishes blooming this spring.

If you have a notion to move any azaleas or camellias, now is the time. Dig them up and replant in a new spot in richly prepared soil and keep thoroughly watered.
