
Monrovia : Sports Complex Approved

School officials have accepted the city’s offer of $800,000 for a $1-million sports complex at Monrovia High School.

Board members of the Monrovia Unified School District, initially hesitant when the offer was made in October because of uncertainties over raising the remaining $200,000, have approved the project.

The city will raise the money by selling an old city-owned baseball complex on Wayland Way. The district will raise its share from developers’ fees designated for school construction.


The project will refinish the school’s 12 tennis courts and two baseball fields and will upgrade all locker rooms, said Supt. Don Montgomery, adding that construction should begin by summer. Three Little League baseball diamonds also will be built, he said. When completed by the beginning of 1990, the complex will be open to the public when school is not in session.

San Gabriel Valley Digest
