
President Reagan’s Comments on Choices of the Homeless

“The homeless are out there by choice . . . those people still prefer being out there on the grates or the lawns.”

Bringing to mind that French queen who, before she went to the guillotine, answered the problem of her homeless and hungry with the immortal words “let them eat cake.” Move over, Marie Antoinette! Make room for big Daddy Ronnie. There should be a special place in heaven for both of you. In any case you will surely understand each other.

Speaking of which, Mary, bearing the infant Jesus, would have understood and recognized the spirit expressed in Reagan’s words. In fact, spiritually Reagan is a direct descendant of the genial man who turned Mary away from the inn explaining to his warm and comfortable friends that she would undoubtedly “prefer” having the child in the air-conditioned stable and accepting praise for his thoughtfulness.


Incidentally, we passed the great Bel-Air mansion that Ron and Nancy will occupy after they leave the White House, a modest gift from grateful fans.

We will rest better tonight knowing the Reagans will not have to sleep over a grate.

Happy holiday, Mr. President, and good will towards men!




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