
Malpractice Data Bank to Watch Incompetents

Associated Press

The government is creating a nationwide computer record of malpractice suits and disciplinary actions against doctors and dentists in a bid to prevent their escape from professional rap sheets by changing localities.

“No longer will incompetent health professionals be enabled to move from hospital to hospital or from state to state while withholding adverse information,” said Dr. Otis R. Bowen, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Bowen commented at a news conference today to announce the award of a five-year, $15.9-million contract to the Unisys Corp. to operate the computer bank. The project was authorized by Congress in 1986.


Bowen said final regulations governing operation of the tracking system will be published soon, and the computer base itself is expected to be operational by midsummer.

“With this contract, we will finally have a national system to keep track of the disciplinary records of licensed health professionals,” said Rep. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), one of the legislative sponsors. “In the past, incompetents have been able to slip through the cracks and inflict poor medical care on the American consumer.”

Rep. Thomas J. Tauke (R-Iowa), another lead sponsor of the legislation, called the contract award “both an end and a beginning.”


The legislation requires state medical licensing authorities to report any disciplinary actions they take to the federal computer file and also requires the reporting of malpractice suits lodged against doctors and dentists.

However, the law sets up strict confidentiality requirements so the public at large will not have direct access to the federal data bank.

The idea is to provide a screening tool for state licensing officials and those who hire health professionals. Hospitals will be required to check the data base when a new doctor seeks employment or staff privileges and to routinely check the data base every two years.
