
Municipal Judge’s Conviction

So veteran Beverly Hills Municipal Court Judge Charles D. Boags was found guilty of fixing more than 200 parking tickets, many on his own vehicle (Part I, Dec. 21). Now talk of appeals and more of the taxpayers’ money spent on the inefficient, time-consuming court system.

This case is so very simple. Either the judge fixed tickets on his own car or he didn’t. No contest--he did, as clearly shown by the evidence. Therefore, the only question is was he wrong in doing so. It must be evident to any thinking person that if he knew it was wrong, he is not worthy of sitting in judgment over others; and if he didn’t know it was wrong, he is not intelligent enough to be a judge.

In either case he surely should be removed from his position. It is a disgrace that during the long period of time from the actual facts becoming known to this date the judge has been on full pay--sitting in judgment of others.


As a retired school administrator who spent a career trying to teach high school youth faith in our system of justice, I am disgusted with a member of the system who would set such an example.


