
Looking for the Parlor Game Scribbage

Robert M. Gordon of Los Angeles is looking for a parlor game called Scribbage-- played with cubes that have letters with point value, similar to Scrabble. Can you help Gordon play “Cube It,” or will he be convinced that the game is up because the dice are loaded against him?

A Los Angeles woman named Gladys has had a difficult time finding a Style 624 Goddess underwire bra with crisscross closing in the back. Can you help support Gladys’ search, or will she have to face the fact that she got her wires crossed?

Barbara Szerlip of Altadena needs negative-heel shoes, such as Earth Shoes, which were popular about 15 years ago. Can you help get Szerlip back on her feet, or will she just have to stand up for herself while waiting for the other shoe to drop?


Lee Markwort, who recently moved to Central California, is unable to find Levi-brand tube men’s cotton socks up there and says she’d travel miles and miles to find some. Can you help before somebody gets cold feet over all this, or will Markwort’s travel plans go down the tubes until another angle comes along?

Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Mrs. Goodheart at (213) 459-2690 needs the S.V. 1A paper bags for a discontinued GE electric-powered brush vacuum sweeper. If you could help, you’d certainly be sweeping Goodheart off her feet; not only that, she could stop sweeping things under the rug. . . . USC football fan Joan at (213) 826-6342 missed that historical 1974 game in which USC beat Notre Dame 55 to 24; she’d love a tape or film of the entire game, not just second-half highlights. Please don’t fumble this one and make sure that Joan no longer has any kicks coming. . . . Elliott at (818) 764-8272 needs a set of rubber caps to fit over the keys of an old L.C. Smith standard typewriter. Please peck away at this problem so that Elliott can again resort to type.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items or for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.

For Joan Harmon of Sherman Oaks, who was looking for a product that removes stains from carpets permanently, we have a number of products with “staying” power. Lois Montgomery of Hemet recommends Folex, which she bought at Florence’s Fabrics at the Del Amo Mall. Phyllis Hamilton of Toluca Lake, who owns apartments, says that Spot Shot, available at supermarket chains, is great. Sharlene Roth of Laurel Hills, whose carpets are off-white, swears by Resolve. Helen Sheeley of Temple City says Amway sells a great carpet cleaner. Meri Hoopingarner of Downey uses the all-purpose cleaner Direct, made by Lysol, and is very pleased with it. And Dorye Roettger of Los Angeles says to try Nature’s Miracle, made in Rancho Palos Verdes by Pets ‘N People Inc., (213) 373-1559, and available in most pet stores.

A teacher from Germany who just finished a tour of the United States was fascinated by the abundance of bumper stickers and decals he saw here and is convinced that these would make a good teaching tool. He started collecting them and is asking for more--”bumper stickers and decals of TV and radio stations and other commercial and non-commercial stickers.” Please mail your stickers to Hartmut Kirschke, Wuerttemberger Weg 9, D-5047 Wesseling, West Germany.


Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who need--or have--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
