
Series of Robberies Has Trash Collectors Nervous

Times Staff Writer

The biggest peril usually comes from angry residents. “They threaten, ‘If you don’t pick up my trash, I’ll kick your butt,’ ” said Ernest Holly, a supervisor in the Los Angeles Sanitation Department. “But it usually doesn’t materialize.”

Recently, however, garbage collection has turned hazardous. Three city trash collectors have been held up at gunpoint and robbed of cash this month--the lastest on Wednesday morning. Union officials Wednesday appealed to anyone who sees a possible robbery of trash collectors to call police.

Prevail Moore, an official at Local 347 of Service Employees International Union, said of his men: “They’re all nervous. We’ve been fortunate so far that nobody has been killed.”


“They’re already paranoid,” said Marilyn McGuire, a sanitation official. “They’re vulnerable.”

Holly, saying there seems to be no pattern to the robberies, gave this account of the crimes:

On Dec. 1, a trash collector, his arms saddled with garbage, was poked in the back with a gun at 76th Street and 10th Avenue. The gunman warned him, “Don’t lose your life for this job.”


After relieving the collector of his wallet, containing $300, the robber ordered him to close his eyes and walk forward.

On Dec. 19, near 5th Avenue and 22nd Street, another collector was held up. He was robbed of $200 with which he had planned to go shopping for his wife.

The latest robbery took place at 42nd Street and Naomi Avenue. The garbage man lost $30.

Police spokesmen could not immediately confirm the details provided by the sanitation official.


Moore said there is little that can be done, except to tell collectors, “Watch your back.”
