
Downey : Hospital Asbestos Removal

A $528,000 county contract to remove asbestos insulation from pipes in a utilities tunnel at Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center in Downey was awarded Tuesday by the County Board of Supervisors. A-1 Lin-Ty Demolition Co. of La Habra underbid two other firms by at least $96,000.

The demolition company will remove all asbestos insulation in the tunnel, clean out asbestos debris and reinsulate the pipes with safe materials. Asbestos fibers, when inhaled, can cause lung cancer and other respiratory diseases.

Total project costs will be about $765,000 after other inspection and air sampling contracts are awarded, county officials said.


A contract for about $50,000 had previously been awarded to remove 800 feet of “severely damaged” asbestos pipe insulation discovered in a crawl space beneath a Rancho Los Amigos building during a state survey last spring, county officials said.

The state’s survey of 56 county buildings found that 20 contained deteriorating asbestos materials that should be removed. In each case, the county has closed off the contaminated area, removed the asbestos or covered it with a glue-like substance to keep it from flaking into the air, officials said.
