
Hot Fireplace Embers Blamed for Two House Fires

Times Staff Writer

Smoldering fireplace embers were blamed for two house fires over the holiday weekend, and fire officials warned people to correctly dispose of embers.

A Buena Park home in the 7600 block of Coronado Drive burst into flames at 4:22 a.m. Tuesday when the wooden structure behind the chimney overheated.

“When the family went to bed the fire was smoldering and it burned straight up the fireplace and chimney, into the den and through the floor of the upstairs bedroom,” Buena Park Fire Capt. Dave Meyers said.


The fire caused $45,000 in damage.

Meanwhile, Orange County Fire Department investigators determined that a $120,000 house fire in North Tustin on Christmas morning was caused by fireplace embers that were placed outside the house in a plastic garbage can, Orange County Fire Department spokeswoman Patti Range said.

Threw Ashes Out

The fire broke out about 2:22 a.m. in the 13000 block of Eton Place. The couple living in the home had a fire going in the fireplace earlier in the evening and the husband threw the ashes in the outside garbage can after touching them to make sure they were cool.

“Even though it was cool to the touch, it still ignited the plastic garbage can,” Range said.


The fire began in the garbage can and spread through a vent into the garage and the attic. The family dog died of smoke inhalation in the blaze.

Orange County Fire Capt. Hank Raymond said the best way to dispose of ashes is to store them in a closed metal container outside of the house for at least 48 hours.

“If you don’t have a metal container you can take them outside, put them on the ground and sprinkle water on them,” Raymond said. “Or you can always take them outside and bury them--treat them like a campfire.”


Another fire related to cold weather occurred in Orange early Tuesday. The living room of a two-story home at 254 N. Orange Avenue was destroyed when a couch over a floor heater caught fire, according to Orange Fire Department Battalion Chief Jim Richardson. The 1:25 a.m. blaze caused about $50,000 in damage, he said.

In Santa Ana Tuesday afternoon, four families were displaced when an electrical fire started in an attic and spread to four apartments at the Olive Grove apartments at 2828 N. Bristol St. The 12:30 p.m. blaze caused $40,000 in damage, a Santa Ana Fire Department spokeswoman said.
