
Local News in Brief : Break in Pipeline Shuts Aqueduct

The First Los Angeles Aqueduct was shut down Tuesday to allow Department of Water and Power crews to repair a break in a 10-foot diameter steel section of the pipeline, authorities said.

Repairs to the section at Jawbone Canyon, about 100 miles north of Los Angeles, are expected to take about a week, DWP engineer Dennis Williams said.

While the pipeline is out of service, the city will receive water through the Second Los Angeles Aqueduct, reservoirs and ground water sources, Williams said.


“We do not anticipate any water supply shortage during the repair period,” he said.

The Jawbone Canyon pipeline leak--about 7,000 gallons a minute--was discovered early Tuesday during routine patrol of the 75-year-old aqueduct, which delivers 50% of Los Angeles’ water supply.
