
Local News in Brief : Cypress : Assembly Fellowship Applications Available

Applications for the state Assembly fellowship program to begin next fall are now available, Assemblywoman Doris Allen (R-Cypress) announced Tuesday.

Fellows work as Assembly staffers and are paid $1,500 a month. Applicants, according to Allen, are required to have a bachelor’s degree, but any academic major is acceptable. Fellows earn graduate credit from California State University, Sacramento.

When the 11-month program begins next fall, fellows are assigned to the personal staffs of Assembly members. In the second half of the program they are transferred to policy committee staff positions.


“This gives each fellow a good chance to be involved in the major components of the legislative process,” Allen said.

Last year, the fellowship program was renamed in honor of the late state Treasurer Jesse M. Unruh.

Application forms are available at Allen’s Assembly office, 5911 Cerritos Ave., Cypress, or applicants may write to the Jesse Marvin Unruh Assembly Fellowship Program, 1127 11th St., Room 331, Sacramento, Ca., 95814. The deadline for applying is Feb. 10.
