
African Leader Urges New U.S. Angola Policy

Southern African leaders today urged President-elect George Bush to end support for Jonas Savimbi’s UNITA rebels in Angola and leave the region alone.

Zambian President Kenneth D. Kaunda, chairman of the six Front-Line States confronting South Africa, opened a one-day meeting called to review the regional situation since the signing of accords last week on the withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola and independence for Namibia.

“We hope that President-elect Bush will declare to our satisfaction that his Administration will not continue to support bandits of UNITA,” Kaunda said.


So far the United States, which arranged the peace talks, has made it clear its aid to the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola, or UNITA, will continue until the Angolan government reaches a settlement with Savimbi.

“While the United States chaired the meetings, we cannot forget it was the Reagan Administration which brought about the linkage of Cuban troops to Namibia’s independence,” Kaunda said.
