
Homecoming Queen Flap

I am appalled at the audacity of the student from Los Angeles Southwest College and attorney Gloria Allred in their sensationalism over this student’s being passed over as a contestant for homecoming queen ( “Did Pregnancy Cost Her a Crown?” Metro, Dec. 1).

This is not an issue of discrimination. It is an issue of morality. Where have our values gone in allowing an unmarried pregnant woman to represent any school? I would fully support this woman if she were married and decided to run for the title. I feel that there is a special glow to a pregnant woman and this would be an excellent arena in which to display this beauty. But to have her stand up as a symbol for all students is wrong.

I am the father of two girls and am trying to raise these children with some decency and values. The publicity raised by this issue can further no good cause except for the continued ability of Gloria Allred to find cases in which there is no basis as well as another chip into the foundation of decency as we once knew it.



La Habra Heights
