
BY THE NUMBERS : 1988’s 10 Top Page-Top Toppers: Some of Daily Variety’s Saucier Page One Headlines

<i> Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press</i>

1. ‘DUNDEE II’ CHIP OFF OLD BLOKE (“ ‘Crocodile’ Dundee II’s” hot opening weekend) 2. PRODUCERS TO WGA: WRITE ON! (Producers group and writers guild agree to end 21-week-long strike) 3. NO B.O. LIKE MID-SUMMER B.O. (Noting the summer of ‘88’s record box-office take) 4. MGM USHERS IN A GOLDWYN ERA (Announcing John Goldwyn as MGM production chief) 5. PARAMOUNT REVAMPS TOP GUNS (Announcing the executive realignment at Paramount, releaser of “Top Gun.” 6. IS MGM SONY’S ONE AND ONLY? (Reports of Sony Corp.’s rumored buyout of MGM/UA) 7. ‘E. T.’ PHONES HOMEVID RECORD (Reporting the Spielberg film’s record home video pre-sales) 8. TRIO STEPS OUT OF LION’S DEN (Confirming withdrawal of Burt Sugarman, Peter Guber and Jon Peters from agreement to buy into MGM, whose corporate symbol is Leo the Lion) 9. ‘FREEDOM’ WON’T RING IN S. AFRICA (Reporting squelched opening of anti-apartheid film “Cry Freedom” in South Africa 10. PAR’S ‘NAKED’ BARES BIG ASSETS (Reporting the big opening weekend business done by Paramount’s “The Naked Gun”) SOURCE: Daily Variety
