
Proposition 103 Insurance ‘Mess’

All the professors and so-called experts such as George delve so deeply into our insurance dilemma that their conclusions are farcical. The early originators’ prime reason for establishing the insurance business was to create a group insurance so automobile owners, by paying a reasonable premium, would have repair and medical protection if an accident occurred. This was basic.

Through the years the insurance industry has changed so radically that it has the auto owners intimidated by monopolistic control. It was obvious that some reasonable changes should be made. Over the years governors, insurance commissioners and the state lawmakers did nothing.

It was up to consumer groups and the people to do something, so came Proposition 103. Thanks to the democratic process which allowed this proposition to be placed on the ballot. The approval of this proposition will now cause the state lawmakers to do something to get this cocklebur from under their saddles.



Los Angeles
