
Opinion Polls Don’t Prevent Traffic

Re “Life in the Slow Lane” (Dec. 11): This survey that Mark Baldassare & Associates performed on your behalf is an insult to all residents who live in the greater Orange County area. It only provides statistical information and opinions that have already been used time and time again. It’s a new package for the same old tired results: too many cars and not enough planning, constraint or foresight on the part of our elected officials or the developers.

There has to be a better way to do business than to use surveys that come after the fact of our crisis with the road conditions. Why should the people in Orange County come up with alternatives such as car-pooling, using buses, alternating work hours and driving less? Shouldn’t we first try to provide a plan that will maintain our current capacity?

As long as county and city governments continue their pace of approval for developments, the purpose of finding solutions to our traffic problems is defeated. Maybe a better phrase to be used for slow growth should be manageable growth.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that every house or condominium you build brings potentially two cars to that community and freeway system.



San Juan Capistrano
