
Sober Advice for Holiday Merriment

As we move into the holiday season, with its greetings of joy and thoughts for others, we should be aware that this is also the time of office, block and house parties. Individuals will be toasting one another because ‘tis the season to be jolly.

It is the season to be jolly, and it is a time to be joyous and thankful, a time of happiness to be shared with friends, workers and relatives. Let’s try to keep it that way. If each group of party-goers will designate one individual to remain sober to be the driver, there will be more parties (where, it is hoped, someone else will be the designated driver).

If that is too much to ask, then let’s make a pact to share the cost of taxi fare to take us home, or to check the motels that are close to the party and reserve a room for the night after the festivities.


If you are pregnant, please remember that alcohol, even in small amounts, can cause birth defects.

Responsible, reasonable and intelligent drinking choices such as these let everyone plan on a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year instead of planning a funeral.

As members of your Orange County Alcohol Advisory Board, we would like this holiday season to be filled with the glory of Christmas. We ask that you join us in making this season a happy, joyful time for all by taking the time and care to lower the risks of holiday drinking.



Chairman, Orange County Alcohol Advisory Board

This letter was unanimously authorized by the Orange County Alcohol Advisory Board.
