
M. Kojima, 66; Bradley’s Liaison to L.A.’s Asians

Masamori (Mas) Kojima, Mayor Tom Bradley’s chief liaison officer with the city’s Asian communities and a longtime civil rights activist, died Dec. 10 while attending a dinner party in Los Angeles. He was 66 and had a lingering heart condition.

Before joining Bradley’s staff in 1967 when the mayor was still a city councilman, Kojima had been editor of the Chicago Shimpo and the Los Angeles Crossroads, Japanese community publications. He also lectured on Southeast Asian affairs and was heard weekly here on radio station KPFK.

Born in Los Angeles, Kojima was interned during World War II and moved to Chicago after his release where he was a founder of the Chicago Resettlement Committee, which assisted thousands of Japanese relocate from the wartime camps.


Back in Los Angeles he helped establish the Council of Oriental Organizations, one of the first umbrella groups for Asian organizations.

He is survived by a sister and a brother.
