
The Nation - News from Dec. 23, 1988

Three members of a polygamist clan were convicted on reduced charges ranging from manslaughter to negligent homicide in the shoot-out death of a law officer that ended a 13-day siege of the clan’s compound. The Coalville, Utah, jury found clan patriarch Addam Swapp, 27, guilty of manslaughter, and his brother, Jonathan Swapp, 21, guilty of negligent homicide. Their brother-in-law, John Timothy Singer, 22--who actually fired the shot from his wheelchair--was convicted of manslaughter. All three were charged with second-degree murder in the Jan. 28 slaying of Utah Corrections Lt. Fred House, who was gunned down during a botched arrest attempt. The compound was surrounded by an army of 100 FBI-led policemen Jan. 16, hours after Addam Swapp, claiming divine inspiration, bombed a Mormon chapel.
