
If Fame Is Fleeting, Choose Your Type

Andy Warhol, who died last year at the age of 60, once said, “In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.”

If the former pop artist’s statement is correct, Hot Topics wonders: “What would you most like to be famous for?”

“I would like to be famous for being the best female Christian attorney.”

Colleen McGuiness, 14,

freshman, Bethel Baptist

“Shopping a longer time than anyone else.”

Valerie Canfield, 15,

sophomore, Bethel Baptist

“For being the chief justice of the United States Supreme Court.”

Becky Williams, 16,

junior, Bethel Baptist

“For being a coach in any sport and holding the record for the most consecutive championship teams.”


Marcus Endert, 17,

senior, Bethel Baptist

“Owning the best-looking lowered truck with hydraulics and sound that would waste anyone. Boom!”

Michael Morley, 17,

senior, Bethel Baptist

“The books I write.”

Heather Green, 17,

senior, Dana Hills

“My contribution to the international relations program of the U.S. government.”

Monica Caudillo, 17,

senior, Dana Hills

“Saving the world.”

Ian Fletcher, 18,

senior, Dana Hills

“Finding the cure to cancer or creating a method for world peace.”

Kindra Larson, 17,

senior, Dana Hills

“For being a comedian.”

Jana Malinowski, 16,

junior, Esperanza

“Winning gold medals in the individual and team competition in the equestrian part of the Olympics.”

Jannette Meyen, 17,

senior, Esperanza

“For being successful in marketing and sales and to be at the top of my field.”

Rachael Perkins, 17,

senior, Esperanza

“For being the first woman president.”

Christian Lucey, 17,

senior, Esperanza

“For a scientific discovery and becoming very rich.”

Keli Urie, 16,

junior, Esperanza

“For being a music star and donating the money I make to the hungry.”

Clayton Nelson, 17,

senior, Estancia

“For being a famous writer, or maybe an actress or something in the theater.”

Brenda Siefford, 16,

junior, Estancia

“Morrissey of the band The Smiths put it best when he said, ‘Fame can play hideous tricks on the brain, but I’d rather be famous than righteous or holy any day.’ I’ll be famous for whatever comes my way.”


Deron Pease, 18,

senior, Fullerton

“For being a rock star.”

Steve Smith, 17,

senior, Fullerton

“For being a writer who has published before 16.”

Colleen Cruz, 15,

sophomore, Fullerton

“For being a neurosurgeon making lots of money.”

Catherine Brick, 17,

senior, Fullerton

“For being a famous guitar player like Johnny Marr.”

Nathan Nobis, 15,

sophomore, Fullerton

“For being the greatest missionary.”

Natasha Rosenberger, 14,

freshman, Heritage

“For being the best model of Guess clothes.”

Nikki Caton, 15,

sophomore, Heritage

“For being the greatest dress designer.”

Wendy Steenbergen, 15,

freshman, Heritage

“Hitting the most home runs in major league baseball.”

David Berryman, 15,

sophomore, Heritage

“I want to be the next generation’s Eric Sato on the U.S.A. volleyball team.”

Joe Woo, 17,

senior, Laguna Hills

“Finding a cure for AIDS.”

Jene Kim, 17,

junior, Laguna Hills

“Living in the most places anyone has ever lived.”

Adi-Kent Delfin, 16,

junior, Laguna Hills

“For being a respected editor for a top European magazine.”

Kim Westad, 17,

senior, Laguna Hills

“A good deed.”

Mark Plettinck, 17,

senior, Loara

“I don’t think I’d want to be famous. I like being a nobody.”

Jennifer Schubert, 16,

junior, Loara

“For the way I am different from other people.”

Francois Phancao, 17,

senior, Marina

“Developing a way to harness nuclear power safely.”

Jai Kumar, 16,

junior, Marina

“I would be more content with myself if I were maybe not famous, but well-known for being someone to trust or someone to talk to.”

Beverly Frankiewicz, 16,

junior, Marina

“Helping others and just being me.”

Alvina Leung, 15,

sophomore, Marina

“Finding a cure for AIDS.”

Jeff Burt, 16,

junior, Mission Viejo

“Bringing about world peace.”

Mollie Hovey, 16,

junior, Mission Viejo

“Ending the famines in Africa.”

Houghman Alagha, 15,

sophomore, Mission Viejo

“Inventing no-run nylons.”

Kristen Harrison, 16,

junior, Mission Viejo

“My music ability.”

Chris Mitchelli, 17,

senior, Mission Viejo

“For a starring role in a film with Harrison Ford or River Phoenix.”

Kelly Howes, 14,

freshman, Mission Viejo

“Curing world hunger.”

Beau Le Breton, 15,

sophomore, Mission Viejo

“Being a running back for the Notre Dame football team.”

Matt Phillips, 16,

sophomore, Mission Viejo

“Being the first woman fighter pilot to fly an F-18.”

Kelly Zeich, 15,

sophomore, Mission Viejo

“Breaking the world record in pole vaulting.”

John Simon, 17,

senior, San Clemente

“For being the best speed-metal rock star.”

Todd Singleton, 17,

senior, San Clemente

“For being a great musician.”

Josh Hunnicutt, 14,

freshman, San Clemente

“Winning a Pulitzer.”

Ewan Morrison, 17,

senior, San Clemente

“Charity work.”

Nhien Vuong, 15,

sophomore, San Clemente

“Solving the problems of our world--hunger, homelessness, child abuse, things like that.”

Tiffany Randolph, 17,

senior, San Clemente

“For being a famous ballerina.”

Chau Dang, 16,

junior, Savanna

“For being the first man to walk on Mars.”

A. Jay Parikh, 16,

senior, Savanna

“My work with underprivileged and abused children.”

Kim Warmouth, 17,

senior, Savanna

“For being a famous doctor, saving many dying people from new diseases.”

Maggie Hernandez, 15,

sophomore, Savanna

“Finding the cure for AIDS.”

Maridel Panganiban, 16,

sophomore, Savanna

“For having tried everything there is to do.”

Chris Kahau, 16, junior,

Southern California Christian

“For knowing a lot of people and not having any enemies.”

Justin Watson, 16, junior,

Southern California Christian

“Always having a smile on my face.”

Natalie Carter, 15, freshman,

Southern California Christian

“My sense of humor.”

Greyson Hackett, 16, junior,

Southern California Christian

“For doing the good works of God and glorifying His name.”

Brandie Rodney, 16, junior,

Southern California Christian

“For being an actress and winning an Academy Award.”

Holly Deibal, 17,

senior, Villa Park

“Finding homes for homeless people and animals.”

Kirstan Kirkwood, 15,

sophomore, Villa Park

“Doing something that no one has ever done before, something unique.”

Allison Roberts, 17,

senior, Villa Park

“Doing something to benefit humanity.”

Stacey Beck, 17,

senior, Villa Park

“My laugh, yeah, my laughter.”

Debbie Leiva, 17,

senior, Villa Park

“Giving people manicures.”

Karri Lupman, 15,

sophomore, Western

“For being an intellectual scientist.”

Carol Chao, 16,

sophomore, Western

“For being the best woman pilot in the world.”

Simi Kaur, 15,

sophomore, Western

“For being Spiderman.”

Crispin Bonilla, 18,

senior, Western

Next Week’s Hot Topic: What should be the penalty for drunk driving?

Hot Topic responses gathered by Chris Bergerud, Angela Conner, John Doney, Roxane Dyrud, Jackie Fitzsimons, Melanie Fowler, Jenny Kaplan, Stacey Kimsey, Kyra Kirkwood, Stephan Lee, Jason Loeb, Heather Orey, Hai Pham, Jeff Santelli, Cyndi Shaver, Janet Stouder and Thoy Yann.
